Flight Departure Times

There are a number of different flights to Sardinia from the UK shown below.

We offer a great choice of flights through third party operators...
Route Day Operating
London Gatwick - Olbia Daily (high season) April - October
Manchester - Olbia Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday April - October
Bristol - Olbia Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday April - October
Luton - Olbia Tuesday & Saturday April - October
London Heathrow - Olbia Daily (except Tuesday & Thursday) May - September
Stansted - Olbia Saturday May - October
Birmingham - Olbia Sunday May - October
London Gatwick - Cagliari Daily April - October 
London City - Olbia Wednesday & Sunday May - September
Edinburgh - OIbia Saturday May - August 

NB: Not all flights are available to book online - please call to book if your chosen flight is not displaying through the booking process and flight schedules are subject to change